Only one week until we start Life Groups! Life Groups are small groups in which we share life together, bring life to each other, build our faith life, and grow closer to Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and… the Life!
Sometimes, it can be a challenge to live the Catholic faith alone. With so much negativity and unbelief around us, we need positive and faith filled people in our lives, to support us, to encourage us, and to build us up. That’s what Life Groups are all about! In Life Groups, we share some food, we share what’s been going on in each other’s lives, we share in each others’ good times, with laughter, stories and joy, and we share in each others’ tougher times, with tears and a listening ear. And most importantly, we share our faith. We pray together, we learn more about living as disciples of Jesus, and we build each other up to be the people God has created us to be.
When you join your Life Group, you can expect high quality Catholic resources that will build your faith and your love of God. Excitingly, we will have access to the Augustine Institute’s “FORMED” Catholic Streaming service, which offers trustworthy, high-quality content to nourish your relationship with Jesus Christ. We will launch our Life Groups at the beginning of December using Evangelisation Brisbane’s “Hope Reigns” Advent Program.